Friday, July 26, 2013

In Review: "Girl Most Likely"

In Review: "Girl Most Likely"

Kristen Wiig. You left SNL for this? "Bridesmaids" was a huge hit and worth every amount of praise it received. But this one? Not worth the $8 I paid for it (But I did get free Skittles).

The Plot

Kristen Wiig starts off as this successful-like woman with a boyfriend and wildly successful friends. Quickly her boyfriend leaves her and she gets fired from her job at a magazine. She tries to look like she has committed suicide early in the film by taking a sleeping pill, complete with a very well written suicide note. She gets thrown into the hospital and eventually back into her childhood home with her gambling-obsessed mother (Annette Bening), her socially awkward loner brother (Christopher Fitzgerald), her mother's mysterious younger boyfriend (Matt Dillon), and a hunky guy who is renting out Wiig's old room (Darren Criss). The story is all about her learning to love her family, herself, blah, blah, blah.

The Cast

Wiig struggles for laughs. Struggles. I don't necessarily think it is all her fault (I think that is all on the snooze fest of a script), but I do blame her for being in this below average film.

Bening was pretty good as a crazy horrible parent, but not memorable enough for me to care to write much about her.

Dillon's character is perfect for him. Though I have this inkling that he is playing himself...

Criss IS playing himself- the happy-go-lucky talented singer who everyone loves. Yeah, that pretty much sums him up.

The Message

It's hard to see under all this depression. That is 99.9% of this movie. Wiig being pathetically depressed.  And after a while, you get really sick of it. I wanted Melissa McCarthy to come in and shake it out of her! Get this girl back on her feet because she has become annoying! I don't blame her for wanting to kill herself because her friends are evil, her boyfriend's a jerk, and she should have been taken into the foster system because her mother is such a horrible parent. But please, move on from the depression! It's killing me! People can only take so much of other people being depressed. Unless you too are depressed and then its like a free-for-all party with used tissues and boxes of chocolate scattered around the place.

At the very end of the movie, when you are just about ready to walk out of the theater, there is a moment of substance. There is a circle back to one of our original themes, and we smirk a little bit because there kind of was a meaning to this crappy movie after all. But not enough for us to care to recommend it to anyone we know. I think it had something to do with crabs and self-love?

And the title has nothing to do with anything! Nothing!


I needed to pop in "Bridesmaids" and some SNL to feel good about liking Kriten Wiig after watching this movie. For the sake of your sanity, don't see this movie. Unless you are depressed, it may help you then. If not, don't see this in theaters and forget about it if you want to laugh and feel good. It's a place where laughs go to die.

The only worthwhile scenes were when Criss and Wiig were together. They have this nice chemistry together and Criss is simply adorable in this role. I also think the ending saved this movie's butt.

1 out of 4 Crabs

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