Sunday, June 8, 2014

In Review: "Maleficent"

In Review: “Maleficent"

As one of the greatest Disney villains ever, it makes perfect sense that Disney should create an entire movie around Maleficent. “Sleeping Beauty” was never my favorite Disney movie. The princess and prince were forgettable and boring characters. There was not much to the plot or the scenery. But there were two reasons why I would not fuss if the movie was on – the pink and blue fight scenes between Merryweather and Flora and the Mistress of all Evil Maleficent. She was a queen with her own castle. She had a dramatic sense of fashion. And the best of all, she could turn herself into a dragon. That beats waiting around in a crummy old tower any day. What I love about this latest version of the Disney classic is that it is able to take what we love so much about this character and expand on it. All those little girls who were rooting for the evil fairy instead of the pretty princess can finally have their day.


The basic story that you remember is the same. A princess is born to a king and queen, and there is great celebration in the kingdom. Everyone is invited to the party of the century including three fairies. But one dark fairy is forgotten. While the three fairies are bestowing gifts upon the child, the dark fairy crashes the party and curses the child saying that before the sunsets on her 16th birthday she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a deep death-like sleep. The princess can only be awoken by true love’s kiss.

But now, in a very Wicked-like way, we get to learn about the fairy we have always believed to be evil. She is in fact misunderstood and hurt by the world and the people who have been very unkind to her. This is what drives her to cast the wicked curse.

She is joined by a raven who she can turn into a human or any other creature she likes who keeps her company throughout the years as she waits for her plan to commence. 

I don’t want to give away all the twists and turns so you are just going to have to see the movie for yourself.

The Stars

Angelina Jolie has been involved with this project at every turn. She helped design her costumes and the look of Maleficent. She even allowed her daughter to be cast in the film – mainly because she was the only one was wasn’t afraid of Jolie in her costume. But she is the heart and soul of this movie and the reason why I think it is such a success.

Jolie is able to capture the wickedness, darkness, hatred, and vulnerability about Maleficent. Without Jolie's ability to appear both impenetrable and sensitive, there is no way this character would have been able to transform and grow before our very eyes. In this film, Maleficent is a real person who feels hatred and sadness, who makes mistakes, and who loves very deeply. Her motives become clear to us as we learn to understand her closed-off nature. And we fall in love with her all over again.

The Message

Just like any retelling, you can never judge a book by its cover. Just because you think someone is one way doesn't mean that that is how they are. People are complex and complicated. We would have to sit down and get to know them before we can say we know whether they are truly evil or good. But it is the choices we make that determine which side of this spectrum we are on. What are our motives behind our actions? What is our driving force? Is it to save or destroy? That is what determines what we are – a villain or a hero.


I love that every aspect of the original is accounted for. We learn about why she looks the way she does. We learn about her raven, her staff, and why she put the curse on the baby in the first place. All of our questions are answered and by the end of it, we have a fully developed character who is fully human.

The only thing is I wish they would have slowed the beginning down just a touch. There are some very important relationships that start in the beginning that are talked about instead of showed. I also wish Maleficent herself could have turned into a dragon. That was a real letdown. But that's just me being super picky.

This movie is not really for children and has some complex adult themes. I suggest this one for those who remember and cherish the original Disney film and don't mind seeing it turned on its head and its villain being glorified.

3.5 Out of 4 Fairy Wings


  1. Jolie was AWESOME! As you said she truly made this movie!

    1. She really did! Thank you for your comment and thanks for reading!

  2. Didn't know that about her daughter being in the cast. Cool fact!


What do you think? Am I totally on point? Am I 110% wrong? Tell me what your thoughts are!