Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Weekend Movie Schedule

What are you going to do with a whole weekend of Halloween? Watch movies and eat candy of course! I'm not a huge horror and gore fan so here is a list of not-so-terrifying films that are sure to fill your weekend.

Friday, Oct. 31st- Halloween

Work til 5pm (ish)

6pm- Spoon your chilli into your favorite bowl (preferably one with a Halloween theme) and top with sour cream, cheese, and oyster crackers. Pair with an Angry Orchard Hard Cider.

6:10-8pm- "Hocus Pocus" (Bette Midler will start your night right with a song and with a bit of nostalgia)

8:20pm- Answer the door for those kids who are way too old to be trick-or-treating. Glare at them until you know they are too far away to egg your house.

8:25pm-10pm "Young Frankenstein" (Mel Brooks is a comic genius. After the movie go download the Broadway soundtrack. He makes musicals just as funny as movies.)

10:15pm- Do you hear that? What is that whimpering? It's your stomach. Cave into your "diet" and grab the candy bowl. Trick-or-treaters should be all done for the night, and those Clark Bars aren't going to eat themselves.

10:15-12pm- "The Witches" (You need a little bit of scary in this haunted night. Angelica Huston will do that for you.)

12:15pm- Realize there is no way you can sleep after that movie. The witches are coming to get me! How about we put in something a little tamer.

12:30-2am- "Hotel Transylvania" (So much better! An Adam Sandler movie that you don't want to throw against a wall.)

Saturday, Nov. 1- All Saints Day

10:30am- wake up sprawled out on the couch. Did I sleep here all night? Roll over. It's a Saturday there is no way I am getting up now.

11:45am- Jolt awake. Pour yourself a cup of hot cider. real clothes are an option today. Finish off the leftover chili.

12-2pm- "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" (let's start out with an easy one. And we haven't had any aliens yet)

2-4pm- "Casper" (Who wouldn't want a ghost friend? Ghost boyfriend? Not so much.)

4-6pm- "Corpse Bride" (Tim Burton needs to be represented here in some way. "Nightmare" is also another option that would work here)

6:15pm- listen to your stomach growl for 10 minutes before dragging yourself off the coach to order pizza. Throw on a sweatshirt and jeans before the pizza guy comes. You don't want him to think you're a lazy bum who sits around all day...oh, wait...)

7:15pm- 9pm "Adams Family Values" (This one ends up being better than the original due to Joan Cusack as a husband-killing, jewelry loving psycho. As well, as the scene where Pugsly and Wednesday are punished by watching Disney movies)

9-11pm- "Rocky Horror Picture Show" (singing and dancing are optional though greatly encouraged)

11:15pm- Where did that candy bowl go?

11:30-1:30pm- "Practical Magic" (Sister Power!)

Sunday, Nov. 2

9:30am- Decide that the coach is not looking comfy anymore. Decide to take a shower, brush cavity-infested teeth, comb tangled knots of hair, and go out today. (bring a friend if you would like)

12pm- Grab some lunch at your local Mexican restaurant. They're still open right?

2pm-4pm "Book of Life" (this one is still in theaters, but totally worth the money you will spend. With intricate and beautiful animation, it's the perfect eye candy)

4:30pm- Invite your friend over, but tell them to wait in the hallway until you can throw all of your candy wrappers and dirty clothes under your bed. Maybe it is a good idea to see a living being this weekend.

5pm- Play the I-don't-know-what-do-you-want-to-eat game until you realize you haven't had Chinese yet.

6-8pm- Any of the HP movies ("I'm a what?" "You're a wizard, Harry.") Share the remainder of the candy bowl

8:30pm- Your friend heads home to get to bed early. Maybe you should too... Nah. We need one more movie to finish off this weekend.

8:45pm-11pm- "Halloweentown"

11pm- Got to bed... Seriously, you spent a whole weekend watching movies. You're crazy.

Until next year, Halloween!

Number of movies finished: 13
Pounds of candy consumed: 3ish... ok more like 6
Regrets made: 0

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