The First Time- "Warm Bodies" (2013)
Fine. I admit it. I was a Twihard, a Twilight nerd, a die-hard Mrs. Edward Cullen, a maybe vampire. I began my journey as a Twihard through the movie franchise. I read the book, thought it was from the mouth of God, saw the movie, thought Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson was God (and obviously he was a real vampire), and had a life-size cut out of Edward watching over me every night for years. When I was a junior in Biology class and we were studying the cell cycle, I wouldn't take my eyes off the door. Just maybe he would come for me. Just maybe he would be change me into a vampire and end my boring life existence.
I was crazy. I admit it.
Now I thankfully have thrown away my life size cut out (just this past weekend actually), took the Edward pillowcase off my pillow, and put away all the Twilight jewelry, hoodies, Tshirts (ok maybe not all of my shirts), posters, purses, notebooks, and facial glitter.
I cannot say that I am cured, but I can now watch the movies and read the books and pity my poor naive self.
When I first saw the trailer for "Warm Bodies" I laughed out loud. It was Twilight all over again. The girl falls for the undead guy who is actually not as dead as he seems. And I'm sorry Teresa Palmer but you need to do something to your hair or something because you look waaaay too much like Kristen Stewart. So I did not jump on the first zombie train to see this film. I had learned from my previous mistakes, and I wanted nothing to do with undead love anymore.
But I was curious... I was bored one night during finals week when I had too much procrastination to do and I watch it. And I loved it.
The Plot
The world has been overrun by zombies who were once humans. They somehow got the zombie disease and wander the earth eating the few people they can find. Meet R (Nicholas Hoult "X-Men: First Class"). R can't remember his name so he calls himself R. He is in a questioning state of his zombieness and wishes he could find more meaning in his life. Then he meets Julie (Teresa Palmer "Sorcerer's Apprentice") who is the daughter of the human rebellion general. R saves Julie from being eaten and he takes her to his hideout. The love grows between the odd couple and spreads to the other zombies, bringing them back to life.
The Cast
Nicholas Hoult is sooo cute! Ok, done. Fan girl moment over. He was such a great leading guy. I would have never expected him after being the Beast in "X-Men: First Class." He was barely visible under all the computer generation and his character was such a side character we didn't get to meet Hoult.
Even though Teresa Palmer looks like Kristen Stewart, her acting chops are way better. She's done Disney's "Sorcerer's Apprentice", "I am Number Four", "Bedtime Stories". She's a likable, relatable actress who can bring comedy to just about any part.
John Malkovich plays Palmer's father. He's still awesome :) And I don't think this comedy film tarnishes his big-time movie resume.
The Message
Love conquers all. Well, duh. And zombies are humans too! They are just not lucky enough to have pink, fleshy skin and all their limbs intact.

This movie has so much to love. It is hysterical. I laughed so hard throughout this movie. It also freaked me out a little. There are these evil zombies, called Bonies, who only want to eat and aren't conflicted about it. When I went to bed after watching this movie in my nearly empty dorm room, in my nearly empty dorm, I was a little nervous that skeleton zombies would eat my flesh. This movie also has an excellently witty script, ten times better than Twilight. The romance is heartwarming and adorable. The costars get along very well. But I wouldn't go saying that this is a romance movie. It's definitely more of a comedy with some zombie themes. Last semester, I took a class on food films and we able to watch "American Zombie" and read up on our zombie history. I think that zombie enthusiasts will appreciate the comedic take.
I recommend seeing this movie. You will be pleasantly surprised. Even if you happen to like Twilight.
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