Friday, May 8, 2015

Graduation Movies

This is Graduation Month! For everyone who has endured 4 years of college, you are about ready to enter the "Real World". You have been told that college was "the best four years of your life" so why the heck would you ever want to leave? You might not. I know I didn't. I was terrified of the big, mysterious world with paychecks, 9 to 5 jobs, business attire, and actually having to pay all of my bills. I tossed and turned weeks before my graduation in fear that I would never find a job, let alone in my field that paid enough to survive on peanuts, I would never make any new friends, and I would end up by myself for the rest of my life.

After a year out of college, I have learned these things:

1. Jobs are all about who you know. (I know it sucks, but it's true)
2. Living at home with your parents is not so bad. (It allows you to eat waaaay better than peanuts)
3. It's more important to have good friends than more friends. (Reconnecting with old friends is also not a bad idea)
4. Love will come. (I'll keep you posted on that one. Still no real revelations)
5. I know absolutely nothing. (Jon Snow has nothing on me.)

We have this idea that we will magically gain all of this knowledge and worldly wisdom after we graduate college. We will feel like adults who can do everything our parents can do with ease and poise. Not is absolutely not the case. We are simply children pretending to be adults and that will never change.

While the majority of your friends, parents, teachers, relatives and complete strangers will be throwing advice at you during our commencement, I will be throwing movies. Movies that help you get through this transition.

Please enjoy and Congratulations!

1. Post Grad (2009)

College grad Ryden screws up her dream interview, is forced to live at home with her annoying family and best friend, and her life is not what she thought it would be. But in the end, she figures out what matters and how unpredictable life can be.

Lesson: Don't expect your life to be perfect after graduation. I know you dream of living in a nice apartment in the big city, with the perfect job, and a perfect partner to share it all with, but that isn't real life. Moving back home is a great option. The job you think you want may not be the right one for you after all. And really, boys can wait until you have your life under control.

2. High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008)

The gang graduates high school and has to decide what school they are going to, if their friendships and romantic relationships will last after graduation, and who they will be after they graduate-- all through song and dance. (The best way to solve life's problems)

Lesson: For some people, like me, high school was awesome. And you can't imagine it to get any better. But it was, wasn't it? And you got through one graduation. I promise you can get through another one successfully.

3. Grease (1978)

Seriously, if you don't know what this movie is, I have nothing to say to you.

Lesson: Be yourself. I know it sounds like a cat poster, but it's really true. Life and other people will try to pull you in different directions-- telling you to do this job and live here or take this position instead of that one. The best thing to do is shut them all out and do exactly what you want to do.

4. Legally Blonde (2001)

Elle is in love with Warner, and when Warner is ready to go off to college, he breaks up with Elle. Idiotically, Elle follows Warner to Harvard, gets in and tries to win him back. But, thankfully, she finds strength and brains in herself that she never knew she had.

Lesson: If you want something, work hard to get it. If Elle can graduate from Harvard, you can get that job.

5. The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

Andy is looking for a job in the big city with the dream of being a journalist. On a whim, she goes and applies for the assistant to Miranda Priestly, the terrifying editor of "Runway". Wrong move.

Lesson: There is a line. You've heard of those horror story internships like the job Andy had that some people will tell you to hold on to in order to get you something better along the way. But Andy is proof that this kind of job will not only work out for you in the end, it will destroy you in the process.

6. Reality Bites (1994)

Some college graduates make a documentary about what their lives are like after graduation.

Lesson: You don't have to know exactly what you are going to do after you graduate. Your whole life people have asked you what you wanted to be, and you gave whatever answer you were feeling that week. Now, you get to live it. Try 100 different things and find what works for you.

7. The Graduate (1967)

A college graduate is seduced by an older woman... and then falls in love with her daughter.

Lesson: Now is the time to make mistakes. Because we're young and have time to fix them. I'm not saying to go sleep with your girlfriend's mom. Just it's okay if you do on accident.

8. St. Elmo's Fire (1985)

What happens when the Brat Pack graduates.

Lesson: Some friends come and go. Others stay for life. Don't worry about finding new friends when you graduate. And don't be afraid to reconnect with old ones.

9. Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

A dysfunctional family goes on a trip so their youngest daughter can compete in a beauty competition.

Lesson: There will be times when life sucks. I mean really sucks. And no amount of chocolate or well-wishing will make it better. But truly, the clouds will pass and you will find a little bit of sunshine.

10. Into the Wild (2007)

A recent graduate decides to abandon all of his possessions and go live in the woods.

Lesson: I know I said you should try 100 different things, but please, don't live in the woods by yourself. Just don't do it.

Do you have any favorite graduation movie that I didn't include on this list? Please comment and share!

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